How to Cancel Stash Subscription?2023

How to Cancel Stash Subscription? The Stash App Investing Guide includes many benefits including Smart Portfolios and Fractional Shares, as well as many other benefits.

If you still wish to cancel your subscription, we will help you close your stash account and withdraw your stash funds, so follow our steps, and you will be able to close your account successfully.

How to Cancel Stash Subscription?

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  1. Open the Stash website and click the Login button to close your account.
  2. Your password and email address will be displayed next.
  3. Click on your profile on the main screen of your Stash account.
  4. Next, click “Subscription.” in the left sidebar.
  5. After that, click on manage. Scroll down to the bottom.
  6. Click on the “Close my Stash for good” link.
  7. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on “Cancel my plan.“

Cancel Stash Beginner and Growth Stash

No matter the tier, take these steps to cancel your Stash subscription on the website:

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  • Access your Stash account.
  • You can select your name by clicking here
  • Subscription Options
  • To close your stash, click “Close my Stash”.

How to Close Stash Account?

You will have the option to close your Stash account now that you have canceled your subscription. Click on close to do so.

  1. Your account will be closed after Stash asks why.
  2. You can click “skip.”
  3. If you decide to change your mind, Stash will ask you.
  4. Scroll down and click on “Start closing.”
  5. Click on “Close Personal account.”
  6. Scroll down and click “Close Bank account.”
  7. Stash then informs you that there are fewer options for withdrawing money from your Stash account.
  8. You will receive confirmation from Stash next.
  9. Stash will ask you to “begin a survey,”
  10. The page can be closed at this time.

It’s done! Your Stash account has been successfully closed.

Stash Subscription Plans

Stash provides banking, investing, and advice services. Currently, they offer three paid subscription options:

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  • Stash Novice
  • Stash Expansion
  • Stash+

 Stash is accessible on iOS and Android-powered smart devices.

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Is Stash legit?

Yes. The security measures used by Stash are modern. Stash guarantees the security of your money, including investments and cash.

  • Stash keeps your spending safe and secure.
  • Stash is a registered financial advisor with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
  • This registration does not imply any particular level of expertise, but it does require us to adhere to federal laws that protect investors. Investment advice must be in the best interests of our clients as required by law.
  • Bank accounts offered by Stash are insured by the FDIC through Green Dot Bank.


If you have a stash subscription, you can invest in fractional shares with just $5, but there are some reasons why you may want to close it. We have provided everything you need to know about How to cancel your Stash Subscription? What is the best way to close a stash account?.

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